
Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Angles

Bournemouth Pier

My chosen subject for the photo challenge is the Bournemouth Pier. Coming to think of it, it is one of the subjects I have photographed the most since I moved to Dorset about 4 years ago.

No matter the season, no matter the angle or time of the day, it always captures my eyes and ends up being on my frame.

A brief History of the Pier

Bournemouth Pier was firstly created in 1855 and took the form of a wooden jetty 100 ft long. The full version (1000ft long) was later completed in 1961 and then replaced by an iron version, designed by Eugene Birch on 1880, at a cost of 21,300£ (back then…a fortune!).

The Pier is of Victorian style and was used for anti-invasion measures in 1940. It was later re-opened in 1946 and reconstructed in 1950. It’s development continued to include a two-storey, octagonal entrance building/leisure complex and facilities including shops, kiosks, an amusement arcade, a show-bar and a multi-purpose hall.

It also hosted the historic Bournemouth Pier Theatre until 2013, when it was closed to be converted into an adventure sports attraction, complete with surf training wave, climbing walls and high ropes courses….not without protests from the National Pier Society.

Today the Pier hosts the world’s first Pier-to-Shore wire zip, together with a an amusement centre with climbing wall, restaurants, bars and outside area for kid’s entertainment.